11-08-2012 11:08 AM
@Deployment(resources =
{ "diagrams/NewSymptomSelection.bpmn" })
* Symptom selection business process - Tests found test.
public void testSymptomSelectionFlowTestsFound()
Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<String, Object>();
variables.put("workflowEvent", "symptomSelection");
ProcessInstance pi = runtimeService.startProcessInstanceByMessage("sessionResumptionMessage", variables);
If anyone can point me in the right direction then I'd be very grateful.11-13-2012 06:16 PM
12-05-2013 02:13 AM
12-05-2013 02:38 AM
12-05-2013 07:09 AM
12-05-2013 07:30 AM
12-05-2013 09:50 AM
Any suggestion (please elaborate simple things also, m new to activiti) would be highly appreciated and very helpful.
Also, plz tell me how to upload my workflow images (without using google site if possible) on this forum.I use references… .
12-05-2013 07:30 AM
12-06-2013 06:50 AM
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