10-22-2014 10:51 AM
DiskInterface disk = new JavaFileDiskDriver();
ConfigElement configElement = new ConfigElement("", "") {
public ConfigElement getChild(String name) {
if ("LocalPath".equals(name)) {
return new ConfigElement("", "/tmp/cifs");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Name " + name);
DiskDeviceContext context = (DiskDeviceContext) disk.createContext("theContext", configElement); // Should be static
ServerConfiguration config = new ServerConfiguration("config");
CIFSConfigSection cifs = new CIFSConfigSection(config);
cifs.setAuthenticator(new DefaultAuthenticator()); // Allows any user
cifs.setServerName("Test Server");
cifs.setDomainName("Test Domain");
FilesystemsConfigSection filesystems = new FilesystemsConfigSection(config);
final DiskSharedDevice dev = new DiskSharedDevice("TheDisk", disk, context);
GlobalConfigSection global = new GlobalConfigSection(config);
CoreServerConfigSection core = new CoreServerConfigSection(config);
core.setThreadPool(2, 8);
core.setMemoryPool(DefaultMemoryPoolBufSizes, DefaultMemoryPoolInitAlloc, DefaultMemoryPoolMaxAlloc);
SecurityConfigSection security = new SecurityConfigSection(config);
security.setShareMapper(new DefaultShareMapper() {
public SharedDeviceList getShareList(String host, SrvSession sess, boolean allShares) {
SharedDeviceList list = new SharedDeviceList();
return list;
10-22-2014 11:33 AM
10-22-2014 12:10 PM
10-22-2014 04:12 PM
Starting server NetBIOS …
Starting server CIFS …
[SMB] CIFS Server JLANSRV starting
[SMB] Version 6.0.0, Java VM 25.20-b23, OS Mac OS X, version 10.9.4
[SMB] Using authenticator org.alfresco.jlan.server.auth.EnterpriseCifsAuthenticator, mode=USER
[SMB] Server timezone offset = 0hrs
NetBIOSNameServer setup error:java.net.BindException: Permission denied
[SMB] Dialects enabled = [DOS LANMAN 1.0,LANMAN1.0,DOS LANMAN 2.1,LM1.2X002,LANMAN2.1,NT LM 0.12]
[SMB] Shares:
[SMB] [JLAN,DISK,,[/Users/james/IdeaProjects/.]] [/Users/james/IdeaProjects/.]
[SMB] Added NTServer flag to host announcement
[SMB] Binding TCP-SMB session handler to address : ALL
[SMB] Binding NetBIOS session handler to address : ALL
[SMB] Request handler CIFSRequestHandler_1 waiting for session …
[SMB] Listening for connections on [SMB,TCP-SMB,ALL:5000]
[SMB] Listening for connections on [SMB,NetBIOS,ALL:1139]
[SMB] Waiting for new connection …
[SMB] Connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55378, handler=[SMB,TCP-SMB,ALL:5000], sess=T1
[SMB] Register session with request handler, handler=CIFSRequestHandler_1, sess=T1
[SMB] Waiting for new connection …
[SMB] Connection from /, handler=[SMB,TCP-SMB,ALL:5000], sess=T2
[SMB] Waiting for new connection …
[SMB] Connection from /fe80:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%1:55380, handler=[SMB,TCP-SMB,ALL:5000], sess=T3
[SMB] Waiting for new connection …
[SMB] Connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55381, handler=[SMB,TCP-SMB,ALL:5000], sess=T4
[SMB] Waiting for new connection …
[SMB] Register session with request handler, handler=CIFSRequestHandler_1, sess=T2
[SMB] Register session with request handler, handler=CIFSRequestHandler_1, sess=T3
[SMB] Register session with request handler, handler=CIFSRequestHandler_1, sess=T4
Received null packet, closing session sess=T1, addr=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1
Received null packet, closing session sess=T3, addr=fe80:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%1
[SMB] Closed session 1, sessions=3
Active sessions [[SMB] Closed session 3, sessions=2
4=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1, Active sessions [3=fe80:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%1,4=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1,2=,]
Received null packet, closing session sess=T2, addr=
[SMB] Closed session 2, sessions=1
Active sessions [4=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1,]
[T4] Negotiated SMB dialect - NT LM 0.12
[T4] Assigned protocol handler - org.alfresco.jlan.smb.server.NTProtocolHandler
[SMB] NT Session setup NTLMSSP, MID=1, UID=0, PID=1
[SMB] Two stage logon (NTLMSSP)
[SMB] NT Session setup NTLMSSP, MID=2, UID=65535, PID=1
[SMB] Logged on using NTLMSSP/NTLMv2
[SMB] User normal logged on (type Normal)
[SMB] Allocated UID=1 for VC=[276:1,[normal:null,Mac OS X 10.9,SMBFS 2.0.2,0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1,Normal],Tree=0,Searches=0]
[T4] NT Tree Connect AndX - \\localhost\IPC$, ?????, flags=ExtResponse/0x8
[T4] Tree Connect AndX - Allocated Tree Id = 1, Permission = Writeable, extendedResponse=true
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