Hey, I have to build a periodic process which is triggered every 5 seconds. The problem is, that the process duration can take up to 20 seconds. So, while one process instance is running, a new one is started by the timer start. That shouldn't happen since the tasks within the process are not allowed to be processed in parallel instances.
Yes, I thought of that, but it seems, that the engine works just like required out-of-the-box: While a process instance is running, new process instances are not created. Example: Start timer is triggered every 30 seconds. Instance1 is running 3m15s While Instance1 is running, NO new instances is created by the start timer of the process. So, the engine fullfilles my requirements without any additional logic.
Well, yes and no. There's a default lock timeout of 5 minutes in the engine and a new job will only be executed when the job has been finished or the lock timeout of 5 minutes passes. So if your instance can run for more then 5 minutes then you would still have an issue.