The "Start Discussion" content action is missing. I am running 1.2 which was upgraded from 1.0 RC2 last month. Everything else is working find including the Create forum, but I cannot get the "Start Discussion" link to appear. The browse.jsp file is identical.
I am looking through all the config files to see if there might be a config error.
Fortunately all this has changed for 1.3 - all actions are now defined externally in config files. This makes for easier customisation/extension and should help with issues like these.
Kevin, I think that this is excellent work. Modifying the GUI of a software may be considered the most difficult part which can be customized, without touching to the original code. Making this possible in a web project is really excellent job. Also, the wiki entry you are pointing to is very well written. I don't have the time to check it on some actions of my own now, but I'll do soon. Looking forward to the 1.3 release to see all these new additions in action.