Hi all,
Im trying to set candidateGroups to a task on runtime using processVariables.
I have something like this on my bpm file :
<userTask id="myTask" activiti:candidateGroups="${myGroups}"></userTask>
myGroups is a String of group ids separated by coma.
String myGroups = "group1, group2"
When running my application the table act_ru_identitylink is filled with a single line
"1";1;"groupe1, groupe2";"candidate";"";"1"
instead of 2 distincts lines like expected (one for each group).
running the same test works well with the task :
<userTask id="myTask" activiti:candidateGroups="group1, group2"></userTask>
How can I specify that this string (${myGroups}) represent a list of groups and not a single group ?
Im using activiti 5.9.