Hi Steve,
Thanks for the feedback - it's very much appreciated. It's worth bearing in mind the historical context when considering customizations… when Share was originally written it wasn't done with consideration to the customizations that are now possible through the module extension mechanism (in fact we had to retrofit this capability into Surf to make it possible). That said, your points are valid - we do need to continue to make it easier to customize Share and use-cases such as those that you've provided are very helpful to us.
We are looking at lots of ways in which we can address these sorts of issue in future releases, but its unlikely the specific changes that you're suggesting will make it into a service pack - your best bet is to raise improvement tickets in JIRA and hope they get prioritized. Hopefully some of the changes that are going into the main community source branch will begin to help make some of the customizations that you wish to make easier (by providing the ability to more easily extend the client-side JavaScript widgets and make more fine-grained changed). We'll also hopefully be making further improvements further down the line so that even this isn't a necessary step.
With regards to you concern over breadcrumbs … if they were not placed within the context of the Document List then I would probably agree with you (i.e. if they were in the title bar say)… but they are breadcrumbs in the context of the repository view that you are browsing (in fact they are more like a path location than breadcrumbs).