12-05-2008 06:03 AM
<#function getBackupDirNameobject>
<#if object.parent?exists>
<#if object.parent.name=="Backup">
<#return object.name>
<#return getBackupDirName(object.parent)>
<#return object.name>
My problem is that it returns a noderef and not the name (so I have no error or warning by console). When executing the following, I get an error:<#assign x = getClientName(object)>
Expected hash. x evaluated instead to freemarker.template.SimpleScalar on line ..
Where in the corresponding line I ask ${x.name}.It is right that I get an error, but how can I otherwise show the property name (if I didn't program the function wrong)?12-08-2008 05:25 AM
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