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SOLVED External user invite does not work - Fix for CE?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi, all:

i have installed 4.0.d and set it up for LDAP auth. I can log in just fine with my LDAP users, however, if I invite a user to a site on the share interface, he can log in. This seems to be a known issue (,, and is supposed to be fixed on Enterprise 4.0.1. However, I'd like to know whether there's a way to get ti working on community edition, or will i just have to sit down and wait for a 4.0.e/4.1 or whatever?



Star Contributor
Star Contributor
From what you have posted it may not be the same issue.    What is your authentication chain?

But in general you can either try to fix the code yourself,  take a fix provided by someone else or from svn, or wait until the next release.

ALF-12242 contains details of the proposed fix and I've double checked that the fix is on HEAD.   It is.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Thanks for you reply. My auth chain is forst internal (NTLM), then my LDAP.
I checked using the node browser and indeed the external user status is disabled, even though Share interface shows him as enabled. Why do you think it might be a different issue?

I saw the fix on ALF-12242, I am unsure as to where should I put it, I think it is alfresco/repo/invitation/, could you please confirm?



Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
We have successfully patched it and packaged a fix as a JAR. If anyone is interested, you can get it from

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
We have successfully patched it and packaged a fix as a JAR. If anyone is interested, you can get it from

We downloaded and installed the linked jar file but it has made no difference on the affected server!

Thanks for your support but is there something else we need to check or change to get external invites operational on this upgrade 3.4d to 4.0d server that you can think of?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
We have successfully patched it and packaged a fix as a JAR. If anyone is interested, you can get it from

We downloaded and installed the linked jar file but it has made no difference on the affected server!

Thanks for your support but is there something else we need to check or change to get external invites operational on this upgrade 3.4d to 4.0d server that you can think of?

What we did was as follows:
  • Stop alfresco.

  • Copy the JAR file under tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/lib

  • Remove Copy the jar file under tomcat/webapps/alfresco.war, to prevent tomcat from overwriting our JAR with the stock one.

  • Start alfresco
Note that previously sent invites continue to be broken, as the external user was created disabled. But new invites work just fine, at least for us. you may delete the external user and then make new invites to your site (we had to do that, too).

Please note that we had this issue on a clean 4.0.d install, not via an upgrade, so if this does not work for you, you may be experiencing a different issue. I hope it helps 🙂


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi ejortegau,

thank you for your efforts and helps.

I have the same problem with my Alfresco community edition 3.4d after moving to 4.0.d.
I've tried several times the jar file that you came up with but unfortunately it didn't work. it might be useful if you explained what it has been done exactly on that jar file, I am pretty sure that people are looking for an optimal solution as I am, while this issue became the obstacle that prevents people to upgrade and enjoy the new features, it will be very appreciated to get it fixed asap.
