I am calling a web script via Ajax and I am expecting a response from the Freemarker HTML template, but the responseText is always empty and the return.status = 0. readyState = 4.
if (receiveReq.readyState == 4) {
if (receiveReq.status == 200){
document.getElementById('span_result').innerHTML = receiveReq.responseText;}
document.getElementById('span_result').innerHTML = "error calling webscript";
The javascript controller is being executed since I can see the logger statements that it generates. When I execute the web script from a browser address bar the template generates correctly so this problem only occurs via Ajax call.
I purposely made the controller and template very simple as an initial test, but still no responseText. The descriptor specifies guest authorization and I specify guest=true on the URL. The controller is not trying to access any repository functions so authorization is not the cause of the problem.