11-02-2009 09:02 AM
11-23-2009 03:43 PM
In the alfresco package, other typos are present in the SqlMaps.If you know there are problems, please raise them in JIRA and we'll get them fixed! Not everyone finds these forums.
01-25-2010 11:57 AM
02-09-2010 07:13 PM
It looks like for 3.2r2, the problem is just this section in avm-insert-SqlMap.xml:<insert id="insert_AVMStoreProperty" parameterMap="parameter_IdStorePropertyPatternMap">
Try<insert id="insert_AVMStoreProperty" parameterClass="AVMStoreProperty">
<selectKey resultClass="long" keyProperty="id">
select nextVal('avm_store_properties_seq')
insert into avm_store_properties (id, avm_store_id, qname_id, actual_type_n, persisted_type_n, multi_valued, boolean_value, long_value, float_value, double_value, string_value, serializable_value)
values (#id#, #avmStoreId#, #qnameId#, #actualType#, #persistedType#, #isMultiValued#, #booleanValue#, #longValue#, #floatValue#, #doubleValue#, #stringValue#, #serializableValue#)
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