11-17-2011 10:38 AM
<lst name="responseHeader">
<int name="status">0</int>
<int name="QTime">454</int>
<lst name="report">
<lst name="alfresco">
<long name="DB transaction count">3840</long>
<long name="DB acl transaction count">56</long>
<long name="Count of duplicated transactions in the index">0</long>
<long name="Count of duplicated acl transactions in the index">0</long>
<long name="Count of transactions in the index but not the DB">0</long>
<long name="Count of acl transactions in the index but not the DB">0</long>
<long name="Count of missing transactions from the Index">2472</long>
<long name="First transaction missing from the Index">15688</long>
<long name="Count of missing acl transactions from the Index">0</long>
<long name="Index transaction count">1368</long>
<long name="Index acl transaction count">56</long>
<long name="Index unique transaction count">1368</long>
<long name="Index unique acl transaction count">56</long>
<long name="Index leaf count">2031</long>
<long name="Count of duplicate leaves in the index">0</long>
<long name="Last index commit time">1318320543887</long>
<str name="Last Index commit date">2011-10-11T10:09:03</str>
<long name="Last TX id before holes">15687</long>
<lst name="archive">
<long name="DB transaction count">3840</long>
<long name="DB acl transaction count">56</long>
<long name="Count of duplicated transactions in the index">0</long>
<long name="Count of duplicated acl transactions in the index">0</long>
<long name="Count of transactions in the index but not the DB">0</long>
<long name="Count of acl transactions in the index but not the DB">0</long>
<long name="Count of missing transactions from the Index">0</long>
<long name="Count of missing acl transactions from the Index">0</long>
<long name="Index transaction count">3840</long>
<long name="Index acl transaction count">56</long>
<long name="Index unique transaction count">3840</long>
<long name="Index unique acl transaction count">56</long>
<long name="Index leaf count">1766</long>
<long name="Count of duplicate leaves in the index">0</long>
<long name="Last index commit time">1321515768375</long>
<str name="Last Index commit date">2011-11-17T08:42:48</str>
<long name="Last TX id before holes">21961</long>
The issue here is <long name="Count of missing transactions from the Index">2472</long>11-17-2011 11:42 AM
Nov 17, 2011 5:39:30 PM org.alfresco.solr.tracker.CoreTracker trackRepository
INFO: …. from Transaction [id=21961, commitTimeMs=1321515768375, updates=1, deletes=1]
Nov 17, 2011 5:39:30 PM org.alfresco.solr.tracker.CoreTracker trackRepository
INFO: …. to Transaction [id=21961, commitTimeMs=1321515768375, updates=1, deletes=1]
andmysql> select max(id) from alf_transaction;
| max(id) |
| 21961 |
That is according to documentation, index is up to date, since transaction id is the latest. Still, why am I seeing missing transactions from index in the report page?
11-18-2011 02:08 AM
11-22-2011 06:59 AM
11-22-2011 07:13 AM
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