Hi to all,
i'm now working for several weeks on the outbound smtp configuration.
First i tested everything with my admin account, the email adress for admin matches the mail adress for smtp outbound mail in alfresco-global.properties.
Everything seemed to work fine.
I created sites, invited users, started and assigned workflows, applied rules on folders for sending emails with admin account and all emails were sent.
But now we come to the problem:
Any other user in our alfresco isn't able to make site invitations, assign workflows and so on. Those emails are <strong>NOT SEND.</strong>
So i decided to change the mail credentials to another email adress in global-properties not matching my admins email adress.
The only thing that works afterwards, is the daily status mails from alfresco.
So it seems to me, that the logged in users email adress must match the entry in alfresco-global.properties, otherwise things won't work.
I really need help, where am i wrong?