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Slow performance

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
We have Alfresco 2.2E installed and uploaded 120,000 documents residing in a hierarchy of a handfull (maybe 100) spaces. Access via CIFS or the webinterface is fast on the first level showing about 15 spaces. From there opening a space with 200 documents takes about 10 seconds, with 500 documents >30 seconds and every space with more than that is inaccessible. There are 150 LDAP users defined and the backend database on a separate server is Oracle 9. I got the recommendation not to store more than 200 documents in a space/folder as performance after that would massively decrease.

As I do not know where to start analysing and what values would be normal or common, can others please post access times for folders with various amounts of documents, e.g. 100 files, 200 files, 500 files and a 1000 files; what database is used and whether it is on a separate server.

Thanks for your help

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
The problem unfortunately is dependencies between fixes.   Sometimes its easy to merge fixes, however in other cases its "all or nothing".     Ironically it was the attempt to keep community 3.4 "stable" that meant that we couldn't merge "everything".  However I agree that this particular fix should have been merged and  unfortunately it got missed.   The fix for anyone still looking is to replace PDFBox with the latest version.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

has the original case been solved ?
Is there an efficient way to reduce significantly response time on large-tasks-amount Jbpm queries ?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
This thread is several years old and started with Alfresco version 2.1. 

It has then been hijacked several times.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I hope this helps someone.

In case you faced a performance issue while working with a lot of items in a folder.
Make sure your alfresco database has reverse index on the 'string_value' field of 'alf_prop_string_value' table

One query accounting this field works for me more than a minute, instead of 50ms after I added the index.

for postgres it is enough (at least it did for me) to do this:

  CREATE INDEX idx_alf_props_str_rev ON alf_prop_string_value
  USING btree (reverse(string_value::text) COLLATE pg_catalog."default");

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
This is only in IE browser, alfresco share is developed using mostly javascript.
So,IE javascript engine take very long time to process alfresco share page.
In other browsers like firefox and google chrome, it is okay and this problem is not occured.
Please see
[Repository left side tree in alfresco share take too many memory and slowly loading time in IE.(If there are over 1000 folders)]
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