Running 5.21 with postgresql DB.I have a very simple process with 2 steps. First is a groovy script to enable skip by setting _ACTIVITI_SKIP_EXPRESSION_ENABLED to true. Second is a user task with a skip expression. The start form prompts whether or to skip the user task.If the user task is assigned to a person (i.e. initiator) and the initiator elects to skip the user task, all works well. See snippet below. The complete process is in the Skip_Initiator_Task.bpmn_.txt attachment.
<userTask id="userTask1" name="User Task 1" activiti:assignee="${initiator}" activiti:skipExpression="${skipUserTask1 == true}"></userTask>
If the user task is assigned to a group (e.g. engineering) and the initiator elects to skip the user task, the process fails and we get a traceback. See snippet below. The complete process is in the Skip_Group_Task.bpmn_.txt attachment. See tracebacks in tracebacks.txt attachment.
<userTask id="userTask1" name="User Task 1" activiti:candidateGroups="engineering" activiti:skipExpression="${skipUserTask1 == true}"></userTask>
Is this a known issue? I know that I could work around this using gateways. However, I would really like to leverage skip for my purpose.Thanks,Dan