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show custom property in item list

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hello everybody,

  In the item view that shows the content of a space, for every resource there are some information : name, size, date.

  I would like to know how to modify this to have other properties.

  For example, I have a custom type (which extends cm:content) with a "short description" property and I would like this visible without going to the properties page of the resource.

  Any hint on this would be valuable.



Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Yes you can, but you'll need to modify one of our pages to do so.

browse.jsp is the page you need to change but you can not override this one currently.

You need to add another column to the rich list that shows the content, for example add the following:

<a:column id="colxx" style="text-align:left" rendered="#{BrowseBean.browseViewMode == 'icons'}">
   <f:facet name="header">
      <a:sortLink id="colxx-sort" label="Description" value="custom:shortDescription" styleClass="header"/>
   <h:outputText id="colxx-txt" value="#{r['custom:shortDescription']}">