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Should there be a Alfresco Plugin for Jfusion ?

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Joomla and Alfresco looks like a cool combination.
But it would be nice not to have your users sign up twice (once for joomla and another for alfresco).
Hence, User integration.
How about someone at alfresco look into making a alfresco plugin for jfusion !

There are docs on Plugin Development (and other plugins made, so you can copy them !).

So far vBulletin, phpBB3 (with frameless integration), SMF, Moodle, Magento, MyBB, and Flyspray have plugins to Joomla! via Jfusion …. 

How about an Alfresco one !   Smiley Very Happy
Just an idea.  So far I am only getting lots of errors with this Alfresco Share Demo  Smiley Sad

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Authentication of Joomla! users against Alfresco is something we are investigating for a next version.