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Shorter URL in the browser

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hello guys,

I was wondering if there is a way where I can configure the alfresco tomcat to listen for an IP/FQDN and redirect to the full URL of the alfresco. Also I want to avoid any additional SW installed on the system, for example some apache installed in front and redirects to the alfresco tomcat.

For example:
I put in my browser:
The Alfresco tomcat redirects me to:

I'm able to configure the with a webapp ROOT by doing the following:
1. I create a new folder "ROOT" under: /opt/alfresco-5.0.c/tomcat/webapps/
2. I create a index.html file with the following code in it:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=">

3. Now when I put in the browser: the alfresco tomcat redirects me to, but I want to avaoid putting in the browser any port numbers, just an FQDN (as I explained above).

Any ideas? Smiley Happy


Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Try this in your index.html

    <title>your title</title>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      window.location = 'https://fqdn/share/';
    <span>Some verbiage to users.</span>

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi ESWBitto,

Unfortunatelly, I got the same result as with my code. I do not get redirected if I use only the IP address. When I put the port number, then I get redirected.

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Try this in your tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/web-extension folder.



   <!– Example config to turn off the CSRF filter
   <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="CSRFPolicy" replace="true">
   <!– Configuration for Apache reverse proxy on localhost:8089 –>
   <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="CSRFPolicy" replace="true">

         Will be used and exposed to the client side code in Alfresco.contants.CSRF_POLICY.
         Use the Alfresco.util.CSRFPolicy.getHeader() or Alfresco.util.CSRFPolicy.getParameter() with Alfresco.util.CSRFPolicy.getToken()
         to set the token in custom 3rd party code.

      <!– The first rule with a matching request will get its action invoked, the remaining rules will be ignored. –>
            Certain Surf POST requests form the WebScript console must be allowed to pass without a token since
            the Surf WebScript console code can't be dependent on a Share specific filter.
            <action name="assertReferer">
               <param name="always">false</param>
               <param name="referer">https://FQDN/.*</param>
            <action name="assertOrigin">
               <param name="always">false</param>
               <param name="origin">https://FQDN</param>

         <!– Certain Share POST requests does NOT require a token –>
            <action name="assertReferer">
               <param name="always">false</param>
               <param name="referer">https://FQDN/.*</param>
            <action name="assertOrigin">
               <param name="always">false</param>
               <param name="origin">https://FQDN</param>

         <!– Clear the token when logging out –>
            <action name="clearToken">
               <param name="session">Alfresco-CSRFToken</param>
               <param name="cookie">Alfresco-CSRFToken</param>

         <!– Make sure the first token is generated –>
                  <attribute name="_alf_USER_ID">.*</attribute>
                  <attribute name="Alfresco-CSRFToken"/>
                  <!– empty attribute element indicates null –>
            <action name="generateToken">
               <param name="session">Alfresco-CSRFToken</param>
               <param name="cookie">Alfresco-CSRFToken</param>

         <!– Refresh token on new "page" visit when a user is logged in –>
                  <attribute name="_alf_USER_ID">.*</attribute>
                  <attribute name="Alfresco-CSRFToken">.*</attribute>
            <action name="generateToken">
               <param name="session">Alfresco-CSRFToken</param>
               <param name="cookie">Alfresco-CSRFToken</param>

         <!– Verify multipart requests contains the token as a parameter and also correct referer & origin header if available –>
               <header name="Content-Type">^multipart/.*</header>
                  <attribute name="_alf_USER_ID">.*</attribute>
            <action name="assertToken">
               <param name="session">Alfresco-CSRFToken</param>
               <param name="parameter">Alfresco-CSRFToken</param>
            <action name="assertReferer">
               <param name="always">false</param>
               <param name="referer">https://FQDN/.*</param>
            <action name="assertOrigin">
               <param name="always">false</param>
               <param name="origin">https://FQDN</param>

            Verify there is a token in the header for remaining state changing requests and also correct
            referer & origin headers if available. We "catch" all content types since just setting it to
            "application/json.*" since a webscript that doesn't require a json request body otherwise would be
            successfully executed using i.e. "text/plain".
                  <attribute name="_alf_USER_ID">.*</attribute>
            <action name="assertToken">
               <param name="session">Alfresco-CSRFToken</param>
               <param name="header">Alfresco-CSRFToken</param>
            <action name="assertReferer">
               <param name="always">false</param>
               <param name="referer">https://FQDN/.*</param>
            <action name="assertOrigin">
               <param name="always">false</param>
               <param name="origin">https://FQDN</param>


Do a find and look up "FQDN" and replace it with yours.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I got other tasks to do.

Here what I did:
I moved the ROOT webapp and put this code in the share-config-custom.xml, but nothing happens now. When I put the IP address in the browser I got the apache error. If I put the port 8080 after the IP address, I got a blank page - just white screen.
If I bring back the ROOT app, I got the same results as before.


Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Did you replace the "fqdn" with your dns name?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Sorry, I forgot to mentioned that, but yes, I did replace them.
Have you tested this code on your installation? May be I miss something elsewhere….