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Shared folder not found

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi! It's possible change shared folder name? My alfresco shared, comunity 4.2.d laguange is spanish, so shared folder name's is compartido, changing the name to shared of compartido the content is shown.

Any ideas?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Hi, I dont think you can change Shared file Name/location from configuration as we can change root folder of Repository link.

If you change name of "Shared" folder [/Company Home/Shared] then you also need to reflect same change at Share side in several configurations file.I have not checked this in detail but need to dig into this.

But Shared Files title is being displayed from [location.path.shared=Shared Files]

So rather than changing folder name, I would suggest to change title  You can make your change in -[In extension folder] webapps\share\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\messages\

Currently its as per below, You can change as per your requirement

location.path.shared=Ficheros compartidos

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
The displayed name of folders, are a just display name, on repository the real name of folders are like Shared Files, shared; but if rename folder, Alfresco dosn't mapp to the folder with new name. So the error is path not found 'shared' on copy-move to. If i rename sharedRoot on global-folder to compartido(name of shared folder spanish) work.