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share UI config dependent on user role

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
We are just starting with alfresco. I created a workflow and now want a very simple UI for end users to fulfill their user tasks and another UI config for the department handling the user requests.

At the moment I use share for that (other ideas?) and I get along with the main xml configuration options for the UI.

But I cannot see how to style it dependent on role, i.e. to remove most menu icons for user and keep them for another role.

any help appreciated ,


World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
We were just talking about this general subject today on Tech Talk Live. The recording should be available in a day or two so keep an eye on <a href="">this page</a> for a link.

You can show or hide UI actions through configuration. The thing that decides whether to show or hide an action is called an evaluator. If you look at slingshot-documentlibrary-context.xml you can see the out-of-the-box evaluators. Here is one for groupMembership:

   <bean id="evaluator.doclib.action.groupMembership" class="org.alfresco.web.evaluator.HasGroupMembershipsEvaluator">
      <property name="slingshotEvaluatorUtil" ref="slingshot.evaluator.utility" />

If you look at share-documentlibrary-config.xml you'll see where the list of actions are defined. You can see that some actions have evaluators that decide whether or not to show or hide the action.

So you could create your own extended config that defines your action sets and calls the groupMembership evaluator to show or hide them as you see fit.

You had another post that was talking about the Create Site action specifically. I do not know whether or not that particular action can be controlled with an evaluator through config. My hunch is no, but it would be worth some digging.

Hope that gets you pointed in the right direction.

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