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Share Site symlink to Repository

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi all,

I'm a bit of a Share newbie so any help would be great! 

What I'm trying to do is create a Share Site that gives a view on a sub-set of the repository.  To be more specific I have the following folder structure in my repository: Company Home > Finance & Legal > Finance.   The Finance team want their own Site but I'd like to keep all of the data together in the repo. What would be perfect is if I can create a symlink where the data seen in the Finance site actually lives in the Company Home > Finance & Administration > Finance folder.

I've seen something similar done before in Alfresco, where a company I was working for had set up a number of Sites and the data was actually stored in a virtual taxonomy in the repository.

Does anyone have any idea how to set up this symlink between the repository and sites?

Many thanks

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Nodes can have multiple parents, so I suspect they're written a script to do that.
