09-18-2012 04:50 AM
but I got ActivitiException - Invalid query usage: cannot set both candidateUser and candidateGroupIn
<if test="candidateUser != null || candidateGroups != null">
and T.ASSIGNEE_ is null
and I.TYPE_ = 'candidate'
<if test="candidateUser != null">
I.USER_ID_ = #{candidateUser}
<if test="candidateUser != null && candidateGroups != null && candidateGroups.size() > 0">
<if test="candidateGroups != null && candidateGroups.size() > 0">
<foreach item="group" index="index" collection="candidateGroups"
open="(" separator="," close=")">
09-19-2012 04:13 AM
10-02-2012 11:09 AM
10-02-2012 11:58 AM
I understand that the activiti query API has an 'AND' semantics for all its queries, but I need OR just as described in iBatis mapping.
I want select all tasks where the user is listed as a candidate (username or groupname) but the API does not allow me.taskService.createTaskQuery().taskCandidateGroupIn(user.getGroups()).taskCandidateUser(user.getUsername()).list();
10-02-2012 02:56 PM
… and T.ASSIGNEE_ is null and I.TYPE_ = 'candidate' …
Why must assignee be null? There is s seperate method taskUnassigned() to achieve this.10-03-2012 03:58 AM
I think it would make sense to remove "T.ASSIGNEE_ is null" when using taskCandidateGroup()
10-03-2012 04:04 AM
10-03-2012 05:12 AM
The idea behind is that you don't need candidate groups once you set the assignee. It's only until the user gives up the task (assignee is set to null), that the task is put back into the pool if the group.
Which use case are you thinking of that would invalidate that?
taskService.createTaskQuery().taskCandidateUserOrGroup("kermit", "manager");
10-03-2012 04:15 PM
Which use case are you thinking of that would invalidate that?The use case i must realize is based on the requirements from one of our clients (insurance business):
10-04-2012 11:50 AM
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