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Search engine + non-ascii characters

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hello everyone

I am having few issues. Most of them I got rid off but there is still one or two left. I really appreciate any help.

I am using UTF-8 character coding in file names (Czech language). I did manage to set up MySQL database to UTF8

   default-character-set = utf8

and all the tables within the database have set and been converted to COLLATION utf8_general_ci

and I set alfresco to comunicate in UTF-8 as well.



however when I am using search engine for file names only it doesn't work on 100%

it has no problem to find a word like "vstřikovna" with chars ěščřž  however a word "balení" with chars like áíéý it just refuse.
Alfresco gives me a message no files found and that's it.

I have also problem with importing data in zip file. Files with non-ascii character are uplouded through http or FTP without problem but when they are compressed in zip file it writes insteand of ěščří some ????? or other funny things.

Can somebody help me? Or at least point me the right direction? Thank you in advance, cheers

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Alright seems I have found a way around,

I have two translations installed ENGLISH / CZECH

when I log in using english translation search refuse to find the files with non-ascii characters HOWEVER if I use czech translation it suddenly works fine!


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Yes it is correct behaviour.

From Search wiki page:
All multilingual fields are indexed and tokenized according to the locale. The tokens are prefixed in the index with locale information.

When searching, the locale(s) to use can be specified on the SearchParameters. If they are not specified, the locale defaults to the user's login locale (the locale selected when the user logged in).

I must ask - have you found any better translation then the one at Alfresco forge?