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Search A / B or 'A / B' or A/B in Alfresco 4.2d have issues

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
I have a custom model in which I have a property having following constraint :

<constraint name="abc:customList" type="LIST">
       <title>Custom List</title>
         <parameter name="allowedValues">
               <value>A / B</value>
         <parameter name="caseSensitive"><value>true</value></parameter>

and I have created various documents having different value of above property.

I have created a custom search form on which there are some drop-down list. when I search A / B, It gives no result but If I searched A/B it works.
Also when I searched "A / B" it also work.

This search functionality was working fine in Alfresco 4.2.c for all cases.

I am not able to identify why this is not working in Alfresco 4.2.d

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
I think you have posted some xml tags in your content. you need to enclose them in "code" tag to show them properly in post. post the content model settings for that properties tockenization.

I have updated my post for the xml code.

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
Try to use these tags on your custom property

<property name="your:property">
    <index enabled="true">