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Running Embedded - best use cases

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I am interesting in hearing of some views on use cases when running embedded makes sense?

A little background regarding our client's situation.  They are running legacy jBPM (~v. 3.2) which they are very unhappy with.  They have a very limited staff both in terms of BPM skills and number of developers.  Their system is also a legacy system of ~ 85% Oracle PL/SQL & 15% Java code.  In a nutshell jBPM was poorly architected, implemented and integrated in a tightly coupled fashion with their current system and now it is their weakest link and greatest headache.  In addition it did not have a good migration path forward for their 'limited' team working with it.  We need something much more loosely coupled to their legacy system and easier to deploy and maintain.  One technical adviser recommended ditching BPMs altogether and writing everything in Java for simplicity sake.  IMO, that is not very practical given the nature of the application which has extending processes and human interaction among other things.

I've thought that embedding a BPM might be easier for them to maintain and understand vs. a separate deployment.  I'm just not sure of the pros and cons.  The Java app will run in Weblogic app server.  Thanks for any tips or suggestions regarding the benefits of embedded over other configurations.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Hi Derek,

Running Activiti embedded is an easy way to get BPM/workflow functionality in an application. If there's no need to access the Activiti Engine from multiple applications then running it embedded is definitely the easiest way to integrate Activiti in an existing application.

Best regards,

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks Tijs,

This is good to know and sounds like a logical approach for our application.  I hope to talk with your team more in the near future as our management is definitely interested in what Activiti could potentially provide us.
