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Role based workflow display

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Good day all,

I have a number of custom workflow deploy in my environment, the latest I have designed have one specific requirement; to only be visible to a specific group.
I have been working around the start-workflow.get.js and start-workflow.get.html.ftl files, trying to restrict the workflow to the group. I have so far been unable to achieve this.

Is there another way that I can achieve this task?

Many thanks.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Hi all,

I successfully managed to restrict certain workflows to specific users.

1. I extended the js script and add condition to check if the user has rights to access those workflows and passed it onto ftl model.
2. Based on the outcome from the js script, workflows are populated on the drop-down menu.

If there is a cleaner way to achieve this, please share.