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Returning multiple parameters from service task?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Is it possible to return more than one parameter from service task and map them to a different process variables?
For example:
<serviceTask … activiti:expression="${<someObjectsMethodCallWithParameters>}" activiti:resultVariable="<processVariableName>" />
Will mimic typical java method call where only one parameter may be returned, but as I understand BPMN supports possibility to return
multiple named values, so it technically should be possible to have a service task that returns for example two variables - x and y.
And it should be possible to map them to some process variables.
I was trying to play with activiti:class or activiti:delegateExpression but with no luck.
In general, how it possible to specify an output for activiti:class or activiti:delegateExpression or isit not possible at all?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

No, you would need to set the process variables yourself in the service task implementation, if you need multiple process variables set.

Best regards,