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Retrieving the content of a given folder in a .ftl script

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Hello, I'm stuck in trying to do something that should be fairly simple…

I'm writing a dashlet that should list all the documents in a given space.

I've started writing the .ftl script that should retrieve the list of documents contained in the space, but I don't know how to build the query.

The path of my space is:

/Company Home/Marketing Stuff/Whitepapers

I've tried the following, but it throws an exception:

<#list companyhome.childByNamePath["/Company Home/Marketing Stuff/Whitepapers"] as child>

I'm sure I'm doing only a stupid mistake, but the other examples of .ftl scripts that I found do not help…

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
I found this useful guide:

The guide contains an example that seems to fit well with my needs:

<#list companyhome.childByNamePath["/Company Home/Marketing Stuff/Whitepapers"].children as child>
   <#if child.isDocument>
      <tr><td><a href="/alfresco${child.url}" target="new">${}</a></td></tr>

I've pasted the code in my test .ftl script, but it does not work. This is the error returned:

An error occurred in one of the dashlets.
Error during processing of the template 'Expression companyhome.childByNamePath["/Company Home/Marketing Stuff/Whitepapers"] is undefined on line 6, column 9 in alfresco/templates/foldercontent1.ftl.'. Please contact your system administrator.

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Ok, in case someone is wondering what was the problem… it was a mistake in the logic of my script.

It turns out that this exception:

Error during processing of the template 'Expression companyhome.childByNamePath["Company Home/Marketing Stuff/Whitepapers"] is undefined on line 6, column 9 in alfresco/templates/foldercontent1.ftl.'. Please contact your system administrator.

happens because the path name specified is invalid, or inaccessble to the user because of its ACL settings, or (and this is my case) because I added the /CompanyHome/ prefix, that is not required.

If the path specified is correct, then the childByNamePath[] method works well.

So the bottom line is that I modified my fremarker script in order to test if the folder exists before tring to list its content. Here is the correct code:

<#ftl strip_whitespace=true />
<#setting locale="it_IT"/>
<#setting datetime_format="short" />

<!– path name of the space to be listed (case sensitive, must not include the /Company Home/ prefix) –>
<#assign folderName="Marketing Stuff/Whitepapers" />

<#if companyhome.childByNamePath[folderName]?exists>
   <#assign folderObj=companyhome.childByNamePath[folderName]>
         <!– Display all documents in the space –>
         <#list folderObj.children as child >
   <b>The space <i>${folderName}</i> does not exist…</b>
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