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resultset returning metadata as null..........

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I am using c# and .net  2005. for invoking the web services and searching in the alfresco respository
I am able to get the file but not the metadata
I am using Lucene Query
my query is like that

query.statement = "@cm\\:name:\"" + filename + "\" PATH:\"/app:company home\"";
QueryResult queryResult = repositoryService.query(spacesStore, query,true);
ResultSet resultSet = queryResult.resultSet;

here i am getting the file but the metadata binded with the file its metadata is returning as null……

any help will be appriciated…

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator
If you are using Alfresco 3.2 I remember that there was a bug about this.

When you try to execute a query using the SOAP API you will find only node reference information and you need to use the get method of the RepositoryService in this way for each node:

WebServiceFactory.getRepositoryService().get(new Predicate(new Reference[]{node1,node2,etc…}, STORE, null));
The Predicate object consists of a group of nodes that you need to retrieve from the repository.

If you try to use Alfresco 3.1 or the latest version when you try to execute a search all the metadata are included in the resultset.

Hope this helps.