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Rendering a Widget inside a workflow model file..

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi All,
             I am trying to design a workflow in which  file browse (upoload) is part of a task. The following is my requirement.
               user uploads a file, admin1reviews and attaches one more file, which is approved by admin2.

So the requirement makes is clear for me to use a file browse(upload) option in the model file. But is provided using widgets. (Not a part of bmp model)

can any one tell me how to use this widget inside the workflowmodel file..

Waiting for the reply
Thank you

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
There is no support for Advanced Workflow in Alfresco Share yet. It should ship with Alfresco 3.3.

If you are using Alfresco Explorer, you can configure the Manage Task dialog to enable users to upload new files. See for details on how to get started.

Also see this forum post:

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Zaizi,
              Thanks for the reply. While i am surfing the net i found this. can we do it this way. I tried the above method. I am able to upload a file.
I added that to be part of the start-task. But when i assign to someone and click on finish button. It shows null value exception….
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