03-16-2016 06:28 AM
protected void removeObsoleteSignalEventSubScription(ProcessDefinitionEntity processDefinition, ProcessDefinitionEntity latestProcessDefinition) {
// remove all subscriptions for the previous version
if(latestProcessDefinition != null) {
CommandContext commandContext = Context.getCommandContext();
List<EventSubscriptionEntity> subscriptionsToDelete = commandContext
.findEventSubscriptionsByConfiguration(SignalEventHandler.EVENT_HANDLER_TYPE, latestProcessDefinition.getId(), latestProcessDefinition.getTenantId());
for (EventSubscriptionEntity eventSubscriptionEntity : subscriptionsToDelete) {
03-16-2016 10:53 AM
03-16-2016 09:10 AM
03-16-2016 09:36 AM
03-16-2016 10:53 AM
03-18-2016 09:48 AM
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