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Removing or 'hiding' Links from Alfresco Share

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

i'm a newbie at Alfresco and actually developping an extension that will "simplify" the basic UI of Alfresco.
I need actually to hide some links :
- from the header like "Sites", "Tasks", "Repository" etc.
- from the document actions like "Start a new workflow", "Publish", "See in the browser" etc.
What is the easiest way to do so?


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Override this file - document-actions.js (located at tomcat\webapps\share\components\document-details).

Inside OnReady() method, you will find a for loop :

for (var i = 0, ii = actions.length; i < ii; i++)
actionHTML += this.renderAction(actions, record);

Here, you can put your business logic (some if/else conditions) to prevent the actions from appearing.

For testing the value of actions, you can put a javascript alert like : alert(;
This will give you an idea of which action you want to hide.
After doing that you can write something like :

if( == "document-view-content")
  //do nothing.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
We need the ability to create custom forms within Alfresco. This is to enable authors to focus on creating content. Also this will allow us to control the format and styling of the course content.
•   Implement a form that can generate a html page with
o   A Title
o   Text area
o   An image