I have use company-relatively-secret document so I'm afraid I can't export my space, right now. If you can't reproduce the bug, I'll try to take them off.
My document is a two lines html document of french spoonerisms. Below is a cut and paste of the source. I can also send it by email if necessary.
<html><head></head><body><p><font size="2">La <u>Ch</u>ine se dresse àla vue des ni<u>pp</u>ons</font></p><p><font size="2"><u>T</u>aisez-vous, en <u>b</u>as</font></p><p><font size="2"></font></p></body></html>
The file looks like that.
La Chine se dresse àla vue des nippons
Taisez-vous, en bas
It is located in the company home of my repository.
The unsuccessful search was on "chine", the document contains "Chine". Unsuccessful too for "nippons", "taisez", "bas" which are the other underlined words.
Looking for "vue" or "dresse" retrieves the document.
Jerome BATON