Hi, from one newbie to another…I don't kmow if you have got any further with this but I have had similar issues to what you describe but am getting some good results now.I tried the All-in-One archetype first but experienced similar slow startup times etc. so now have created two projects from the Amp archetype, one for repository and one for share. Running mvn integration-test -Pamp-to-war for repo project and mvn integration-test -Pamp-to-war -Dalfresco.client.war=share for share. This starts up in a minute or so (but the repo project takes a couple of mins)There are a couple of configurations you need to add to your pom to configure tomcat ports - for repository pom
and for share pom
and you also need to configure share-custom-context.xml in your share pom to point to your repository tomcat.If you have any more specific questions then ask and I'll see if I can help - even though I am not expert.Conrad