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questions about forms

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I have some questions about forms:

- is it possible use conditional structures inside a form?
I'm thinking that maybe i need show some information in a form depending to user role assigned to task.
If it is possible, can you give me little sample, or somewhere to look at.

- is it possible had different buttons associated at form?
My form had differents ways to leave this task, for example,  "reasign to another user, reasing to another departament,  accept"

Maybe I can put a select with "action" to do, and ok of form, use this variable to known target .. but I think that is more nice, if this behaviour is associated to differents buttons at bottom of form.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
- is it possible use conditional structures inside a form?

Yes, you have EL at your disposal in the forms, so you can write conditional structures.

- is it possible had different buttons associated at form?

No, the only way to do that now it to make a selection list where you let the users pick from. That is then stored in a process variable, which you can then use in an exclusive gateway to route accordingly (this is also the best practice in BPMN: using a task + gateway instead of having the routing in the task).

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I'll play with forms next week! And with this answers I hope not have troubles with it!
