Hi! I'm a newbie in Alfresco development and I have any questions. I imported the code to Eclipse and some projects are created: SDK AlfrescoEmbedded, SDK AlfrescoRemote, SDK Basic AMP, SDK CustomAction, SDK CustomAspect … How do I create a new screen? or a new feature in a existing screen? How do I package and deploy the application? How do I generate the ALFRESCO.WAR?
Another way to do it could be to use a totally integrated development (design?) environment such as SIDE-Labs.
SIDE-Labs is a set of graphical tools which will enable you to do almost everything on Alfresco, from creating your content type to webscripts generation and Alfresco deployment and integration.
One of its goal is to help business people, in opposition with technical ones, to design Alfresco applications. Finally, it is very interesting for developers by saving them a lot of time…