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Question about 'Details of' screen

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I am trying to create and display a minimalistic content model.  I was able to successfully create the model and customize the Properties Show/Edit section of Web Client for it.

"Details of" screen (View the details about the content) has multiple sections:

Dashboard View,
Version History.

I understand that Properties section comes from content Type and Aspect definitions… What about the rest of them?  They do not seem to be inhereted from cm:content… and even if they were, wouldn't they display in the Properties section?

Thank You.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Most of the other sections you mention come from aspects i.e. content has version history if the "cm:versionable" aspect is applied, likewise, content is in a simple workflow if it has the "app:simpleworkflow" aspect applied.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thank you Gavin!

I understand there is no way to take off an Aspect, right?  Since these aspects come from cm:content and a data type has to extend cm:content… I assume that means one cannot remove these from the Web Client at this point without editing JSPs?

Documentation says that only objects that extend cm:content can be configured to appear in the Web Client.  Does this mean cm:content contains the minimal necessary configuration to appear in there?  If not, are there plans to create such a data type?

Thanks again.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Correct for your first question, although these "features" are included via an aspect the panels are hard coded onto the JSP page not dynamically included whether the aspects are there or not, so yes you would have to modify the page, or the recommended approach is to customise the page, there is actually a wiki page for just that:

For the second point it's that the browse pages look for cm:content and it's subtypes. So it's not that other types can't be configured it's that they won't be viewable through the web client.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thank you for your reply!

About cm:content and it's subtypes…  I understand that's the only type the Web Client can be configured to display. 

For example, it may be helpful to be able to display simple collections of properties in the web client, i.e. without the payload of cm:content. 

It seems cm:content brings extra functionality that is not necessarily required to be displayed in the Web Client.  Is that the case?  Thanks again.