I have a form where user enters the information while raising a request. This information will be stored in multiple tables.
Parent Domain – RequestDetails
Child – RequestAttributes
Child – RequestStipulations
The relation is RequestDetails to RequestAttributes is one-to-one.
For RequestDetails–Request stipulataions is one-to-many.
My bpmn file looks like:
<process id="sampleRequest" name="Sample Request">
<startEvent id="start" />
<sequenceFlow id="flow0" targetRef="submitWorkflowRequest"
sourceRef="start" />
<userTask id="submitWorkflowRequest" activiti:formKey="/SampleRequest/create"
name="Submit Workflow Request">
<documentation>Workflow request submitted by ${username}</documentation>
<sequenceFlow id="flow1" targetRef="handleWorkflowRequest"
sourceRef="submitWorkflowRequest" />
<userTask id="handleWorkflowRequest" activiti:formKey="/SampleRequest/approval"
name="Handle Workflow Request">
<documentation>Workflow request submitted by ${username}</documentation>
<sequenceFlow id="flow2" targetRef="end0"
<endEvent id="end0" />
Now when user enters data on the create form and clicks on complete button to submit the request. I am calling the below snippet:
if (RequestDetailsInstance.save(flush: true, failOnError: true)) {
flash.message = "Request ${RequestDetailsInstance.id} created"
params.id = RequestDetailsInstance.id
if (params.complete) {
render "Request created with id: ${RequestDetailsInstance.id} "
}else {
render "Request saved with id: ${RequestDetailsInstance.id} "
It is succesfully saving the data into all the 3 tables by following the relationships among them.
when the control comes to completeTask(params), it is throwing an exception saying, could not find a variable type to serialize [here it is showing the child domain class object variables].
Can anyone help me in resolving this.