Sorry, I've tryied to explain process in general here
Task1 - > Task2 -> Receive Task 3 -> Task4
And in Tables, of course, we have other ACT_IDs (Task010, Task020, exclusivegateway1 and TaskDPOP030)
>>> Did you use a JTA transaction?
No, We have JPA tran manager for activiti and JmsTransactionManager for activemq.
>>>> Is the current ACT_RU_EXECUTION row pointing to Task4?
Yes, ACT_RU_EXECUTION row was pointing to Task4 (TaskDPOP030), when process stoped on Receive Task 3 (Task020). And in Act_Hi_Actinst we can see, that Receive Task 3 (Task020) was executed two times
The question is why process stoped ? We can't force it go to next task