I've got Activiti 5.17.0 and try to set the category attribute to a procdef. I can do it in java or I can do it via the modeler and DB is updated appropriately. When I export the XML of a process with a category I set, the category is written in targetNamespace of the definition. So it seems OK to me. But when I set the category in target namespace in xml and then import it, it doesn't get set in the DB. Is that a bug or is there something I don't understand ?
I just tested with a unit test and there was no problem. But when I import the same xml file as in the unit test, the category is not set in the act_re_procdef table !
I import the xml file in activiti modeler via the Process->import then I deploy it and look in the DB in the act_re_procdef table. But there, if I import via the activiti modeler, the category is set to "http://activiti.org/test", whatever I put in the targetNamespace in the xml file (while it gets correct if I import and test with a unit test build based on the template).
I just tested something else : if I go in activiti-eplorer in manage -> deployments and then import the xml file ,the category is OK. So, it's probably a bug in the modeller/import tool…