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Problems using build in form control *.FTL's

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi community.

I'm trying to config a custom data type that's a child of cm:content and thought that have access to properties like the mimetype (and others).
The problem I'm facing is that my mimetype field wont use the build in "mimetype.ftl" file that i want it to use.

<config  evaluator="node-type" condition="cdt:officialType">
               <show id="mimetype" />
               <field id="mimetype">
                  <control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/mimetype.ftl" />

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?


Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
If your custom content type is extending the default cm:content then you need not to set this explicitly.
It will automatically add that prop.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I have no idea what i just did to make it work but after about 5 restarts of the server something was changed and it works.

mitpatoliya: The code i provided is not all of it. I have a lot more Smiley Tongue
Since I don't want to show all cm:content properties i will have to use <show> tags on the ones I want to see. And without the <appearance> tag the content will not be shown correctly I'm afraid.

But since it works I'm happy!
Thanks anyway for your help