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Problema con Tomcat

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Estimados… hola como están..

Les escribo por que necesito que me ayuden a solucionar un problema…

Al iniciar los servicios necesarios para que funcione correctamente Alfresco me aparece un mensaje que el sistema no logra iniciar la aplicación convert.exe. No se como subir una imagen del problema pero dice así:

Título: convert.exe - Error de la aplicación.
Mensaje: La aplicación no se ha podido inicializar correctamente (0xc0150004). Haga click en aceptar para terminar la aplicación.

Le doy click en aceptar y el proceso sigue… Luego trato de abrir alfresco, se demora una eternidad y no logro hacer el login.

Mi Alfresco es Alfresco Community Edition 3.2r

Muchas gracias

Juan Pablo Cisternas

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
Buenas Juan Pablo.

Alfresco tiene un log o archivo donde registra todo los errores que pueda tener, ¿pordrías ponernos el log con el error que comentas? El log se llama alfresco.log y debe estar o en la ráiz de tu instalación (por ejemplo en /opt/Alfresco/alfresco.log) o dentro de tu_alfresco/tomcat/logs.

Sería bastante interesante ver qué ocurre de fondo para solucionar el problema. Te recomiendo lo siguiente: Cuando localices el archivo, borralo o renombralo a alfresco20122010.log para tu alfresco y vuelve a arrancar, así te generará un alfresco.log nuevo y lo tendrás más limpio el archivo (y por lo tanto más fácil de ver dónde está el problema).

Un saludo.
VenziaIT: helping companies since 2005! Our ECM products: AQuA & Seidoc

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Hola Juan Pablo,

Has probado con la última versión de la Community? Puede ser un problema con el binario convert.exe del bundle o que tengas instalado. Una opción es instalar ImageMagik para windows y apuntar al convert.exe de esa nueva instalación en


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Estimados, logré solucionar el problema, al parecer era un mal direccionamiento en el archivo C:\Alfresco\tomcat\shared\classes\

Hice un cambio y resultó perfecto:

# External locations

Despúes del cambio dice:

# External locations

Toni, no he usado la ultima versión de Alfresco, la que estoy utilizando me funciona bien y no creo que la cambie, te comento que no instalé ImageMagick solo hice el correcto ruteo de C:\Alfresco\tomcat\shared\classes\

Cristian trataré de subir el log en otra respuesta ya que tengo un limite de caracteres, el log que subiré será el actual que tiene algunos warnings y errores

Muchas gracias Toni y Cristian


Juan Pablo Cisternas

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
ror: 11200053 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document
path: org/alfresco/test/ in remote store: alfresco-webu
ser due to error:
11:43:33,792  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/test/requestbody.put.desc.xml due to
error: 11200054 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test docume
nt path: org/alfresco/test/requestbody.put.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-
webuser due to error:
11:43:33,802  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/test/runas.get.desc.xml due to error:
11200055 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document pat
h: org/alfresco/test/runas.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due
to error:
11:43:33,842  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/org/alfresco/web/messages.get.desc.xml due to erro
r: 11200056 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document p
ath: org/alfresco/web/messages.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser
due to error:
11:43:33,852  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
et.desc.xml due to error: 11200057 Failed to read script configuration file ; Un
able to test document path: web-studio/api/content/associations/associations.get
.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:43:33,932  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/context/setcontext.get.desc.xml due
to error: 11200058 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test do
cument path: web-studio/api/context/setcontext.get.config.xml in remote store: a
lfresco-webuser due to error:
11:43:33,932  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/importer/importer.get.desc.xml due
to error: 11200059 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test doc
ument path: web-studio/api/importer/importer.get.config.xml in remote store: alf
resco-webuser due to error:
11:43:33,962  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/importer/statuscheck.get.desc.xml d
ue to error: 11200060 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test
document path: web-studio/api/importer/statuscheck.get.config.xml in remote stor
e: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:43:33,982  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/login/login.get.desc.xml due to err
or: 11200061 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document
path: web-studio/api/login/login.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuse
r due to error:
11:43:34,022  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/model/get.get.desc.xml due to error
: 11200062 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document pa
th: web-studio/api/model/get.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser du
e to error:
11:43:34,042  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/model/list.get.desc.xml due to erro
r: 11200063 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document p
ath: web-studio/api/model/list.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser
due to error:
11:43:34,082  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/model/put.get.desc.xml due to error
: 11200064 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document pa
th: web-studio/api/model/put.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser du
e to error:
11:43:34,092  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
desc.xml due to error: 11200065 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unabl
e to test document path: web-studio/api/page/associations/associations.get.confi
g.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:43:34,132  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/prebuilt/list.get.desc.xml due to e
rror: 11200066 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test documen
t path: web-studio/api/prebuilt/list.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-we
buser due to error:
11:43:34,132  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/region/region-get.get.desc.xml due
to error: 11200067 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test doc
ument path: web-studio/api/region/region-get.get.config.xml in remote store: alf
resco-webuser due to error:
11:43:34,152  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/regions/regions-get.get.desc.xml du
e to error: 11200068 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test d
ocument path: web-studio/api/regions/regions-get.get.config.xml in remote store:
alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:43:34,182  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/resource/sites.get.desc.xml due to
error: 11200069 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test docume
nt path: web-studio/api/resource/sites.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-
webuser due to error:
11:43:34,242  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/resource/spaces.get.desc.xml due to
error: 11200070 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test docum
ent path: web-studio/api/resource/spaces.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresc
o-webuser due to error:
11:43:34,323  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/resource/webapp.get.desc.xml due to
error: 11200071 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test docum
ent path: web-studio/api/resource/webapp.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresc
o-webuser due to error:
11:43:34,333  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/api/site/create.get.desc.xml due to err
or: 11200072 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document
path: web-studio/api/site/create.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuse
r due to error:
11:43:34,333  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
te/deleteregion-get.get.desc.xml due to error: 11200073 Failed to read script co
nfiguration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/api/template/absolut
elayout/region/delete/deleteregion-get.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-
webuser due to error:
11:43:34,363  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
eletepanel-get.get.desc.xml due to error: 11200074 Failed to read script configu
ration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/api/template/tablelayout/
panel/delete/deletepanel-get.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser du
e to error:
11:43:34,433  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
deleteregion-get.get.desc.xml due to error: 11200075 Failed to read script confi
guration file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/api/template/tablelayou
t/region/delete/deleteregion-get.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuse
r due to error:
11:43:34,473  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
eterow-get.get.desc.xml due to error: 11200076 Failed to read script configurati
on file ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/api/template/tablelayout/row/
delete/deleterow-get.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to err
11:43:34,503  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/incontext/components.get.desc.xml due t
o error: 11200077 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test docu
ment path: web-studio/incontext/components.get.config.xml in remote store: alfre
sco-webuser due to error:
11:43:34,543  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/trees/comptree.get.desc.xml due to erro
r: 11200078 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document p
ath: web-studio/trees/comptree.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser
due to error:
11:43:34,553  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/trees/contenttree.get.desc.xml due to e
rror: 11200079 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test documen
t path: web-studio/trees/contenttree.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-we
buser due to error:
11:43:34,573  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/trees/navtree.get.desc.xml due to error
: 11200080 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document pa
th: web-studio/trees/navtree.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser du
e to error:
11:43:34,603  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/trees/sitestree.get.desc.xml due to err
or: 11200081 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document
path: web-studio/trees/sitestree.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuse
r due to error:
11:43:34,623  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
classpath:alfresco/webscripts/web-studio/trees/spacestree.get.desc.xml due to er
ror: 11200082 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test document
path: web-studio/trees/spacestree.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webu
ser due to error:
11:43:34,643  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
.get.desc.xml due to error: 11200083 Failed to read script configuration file ;
Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/content/associations/add/wizard
.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:43:34,703  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
ard.get.desc.xml due to error: 11200084 Failed to read script configuration file
; Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/content/associations/remove/
wizard.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:43:34,733  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
due to error: 11200085 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to test
document path: web-studio/wizards/editregion/wizard.get.config.xml in remote st
ore: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:43:34,733  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
xml due to error: 11200086 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to
test document path: web-studio/wizards/navigation/add/wizard.get.config.xml in r
emote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:43:34,753  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
.xml due to error: 11200087 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to
test document path: web-studio/wizards/navigation/copy/wizard.get.config.xml in
remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:43:34,833  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
sc.xml due to error: 11200088 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable
to test document path: web-studio/wizards/navigation/delete/wizard.get.config.xm
l in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:43:34,833  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
.xml due to error: 11200089 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to
test document path: web-studio/wizards/navigation/edit/wizard.get.config.xml in
remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:43:34,863  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
t.desc.xml due to error: 11200090 Failed to read script configuration file ; Una
ble to test document path: web-studio/wizards/page/associations/add/wizard.get.c
onfig.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:43:34,873  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
.get.desc.xml due to error: 11200091 Failed to read script configuration file ;
Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/page/associations/remove/wizard
.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:43:34,953  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
wizard.get.desc.xml due to error: 11200092 Failed to read script configuration f
ile ; Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/regionmanager/absolutepos
ition/wizard.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:43:34,953  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
d.get.desc.xml due to error: 11200093 Failed to read script configuration file ;
Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/regionmanager/tablelayout/wiza
rd.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:43:34,963  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
.xml due to error: 11200094 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to
test document path: web-studio/wizards/removecomponent/wizard.get.config.xml in
remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:43:34,983  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
.xml due to error: 11200095 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to
test document path: web-studio/wizards/site/config/siteconfig.get.config.xml in
remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:43:35,064  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
l due to error: 11200096 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to te
st document path: web-studio/wizards/template/add/wizard.get.config.xml in remot
e store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:43:35,064  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
ml due to error: 11200097 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to t
est document path: web-studio/wizards/template/copy/wizard.get.config.xml in rem
ote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:43:35,114  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
.xml due to error: 11200098 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to
test document path: web-studio/wizards/template/delete/wizard.get.config.xml in
remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:43:35,134  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
ml due to error: 11200099 Failed to read script configuration file ; Unable to t
est document path: web-studio/wizards/template/edit/wizard.get.config.xml in rem
ote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:43:35,144  WARN  [web.scripts.DeclarativeRegistry] Unable to register script
ard.get.desc.xml due to error: 11200100 Failed to read script configuration file
; Unable to test document path: web-studio/wizards/template/tablelayoutmanager/
wizard.get.config.xml in remote store: alfresco-webuser due to error:
11:43:35,574  INFO  [] Successfully Initialized Web Fram
20-12-2010 11:43:37 AM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start
INFO: Arrancando Coyote HTTP/1.1 en puerto http-8080
20-12-2010 11:43:38 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 550798 ms
11:43:39,750  ERROR [web.scripts.AbstractRuntime] Exception from executeScript -
redirecting to status template error: 11200004 Login failed
org.alfresco.web.scripts.WebScriptException: 11200004 Login failed
        at org.alfresco.repo.web.scripts.bean.AbstractLoginBean.login(AbstractLo
        at org.alfresco.repo.web.scripts.bean.LoginPost.executeImpl(LoginPost.ja
        at org.alfresco.web.scripts.DeclarativeWebScript.executeImpl(Declarative
        at org.alfresco.web.scripts.DeclarativeWebScript.execute(DeclarativeWebS
        at org.alfresco.repo.web.scripts.RepositoryContainer$2.execute(Repositor
        at org.alfresco.repo.transaction.RetryingTransactionHelper.doInTransacti
        at org.alfresco.repo.web.scripts.RepositoryContainer.transactionedExecut
        at org.alfresco.repo.web.scripts.RepositoryContainer.transactionedExecut
        at org.alfresco.repo.web.scripts.RepositoryContainer.executeScript(Repos
        at org.alfresco.web.scripts.AbstractRuntime.executeScript(AbstractRuntim
        at org.alfresco.web.scripts.AbstractRuntime.executeScript(AbstractRuntim
        at org.alfresco.web.scripts.servlet.WebScriptServlet.service(WebScriptSe
        at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
        at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(Appl
        at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationF
        at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperV
        at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextV
        at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.j
        at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(ErrorReportValve.j
        at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(StandardEngineVal
        at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(CoyoteAdapter.jav
        at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(
        at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.proce