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Problem with starting a Process on the Activiti Engine

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

At work my current Task is to become familiar with Activiti.
Therefore I installed it by using the ant demo.start command, like it is recommended in the userguide.

So my situation can be described as following:

I tried to model a process (or even the same process) like it is shown in the "Getting started: 10 minute tutorial". I opened the Modeler and created a process(-definition) like it is shown at the monthly financial report example. I saved the process and deployed it by using the Activiti Probe application. In the Activiti Explorer I can see the new process but it has no name though i saved the process definition (bmpn20 file) with a self-explaining name.

Here's the first problem: The only things I see is a blank field in the Name - column and a long sid-key in the Key column. Why is there no name and a long key value? Can I take influence on this only by using the Acitivit applications (Modeler)?

The second problem is: When I start this process (the one I modeled, the same example out of the 10 minute tutorial), I should see at the Tasks - menue that the process is running on the engine and I should be able to handle it. But there is nothing displayed! Just when I take a look at the appropriate tables in the Database, I can see that the process ist set running! So why can't I see it in the Activiti Explorer where I should be able to see it and to work with it?

The interesting thing is, that if I use the given example processes in Activiti, I can work with them like it is described in the user manual. Just if I want to work with my own processes, I am not able to do it!

I would be very happy if someone could help me because I'm trying to solve this problem since two weeks without success. I become desperate since I haven't found a solution yet… 😞

I uploadet screenshots of the described steps and situations.

Furthermore I hope, someone can help me. Thanks!  :?:  :cry:


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Can you post the contents of your bpmn20.xml file?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi, thanks for the quick reaction!

Here's the content of the file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<definitions xmlns="" xmlns:bpmndi="" xmlnsSmiley Surprisedmgdc="" xmlnsSmiley Surprisedmgdi="" xmlns:signavio="" xmlns:xsi="" exporter="Signavio Process Editor," exporterVersion="" expressionLanguage="" id="sid-d442d4cc-58b1-4995-85eb-5dd7a6e3dd06" targetNamespace="" typeLanguage="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
   <process id="sid-17d27228-a34a-4f74-8613-6384257aa79f" isExecutable="false">
      <startEvent id="sid-B2F0F64A-4ADB-4754-A1C4-296EBC03AA7F" name="">
            <signavio:signavioMetaData metaKey="bgcolor" metaValue="#ffffff"/>
      <userTask completionQuantity="1" id="sid-742D2E88-4422-4C2F-865B-36047B8CA2F1" implementation="webService" isForCompensation="false" name="Write monthly financial report" startQuantity="1">
            <signavio:signavioMetaData metaKey="bgcolor" metaValue="#ffffcc"/>
      <userTask completionQuantity="1" id="sid-B736A9E0-A3D1-4E18-80AD-591EA6C5C61C" implementation="webService" isForCompensation="false" name="Verify monthly financial report" startQuantity="1">
            <signavio:signavioMetaData metaKey="bgcolor" metaValue="#ffffcc"/>
      <endEvent id="sid-75F9A9EC-D67B-4E0A-B832-1C0C418DB575" name="">
            <signavio:signavioMetaData metaKey="bgcolor" metaValue="#ffffff"/>
      <sequenceFlow id="sid-AFD060CD-E423-4FB7-9FBB-4695CFAB40AE" name="" sourceRef="sid-B2F0F64A-4ADB-4754-A1C4-296EBC03AA7F" targetRef="sid-742D2E88-4422-4C2F-865B-36047B8CA2F1"/>
      <sequenceFlow id="sid-3432B340-8985-4A08-A205-34A3FE60A1D9" name="" sourceRef="sid-B736A9E0-A3D1-4E18-80AD-591EA6C5C61C" targetRef="sid-75F9A9EC-D67B-4E0A-B832-1C0C418DB575"/>
      <sequenceFlow id="sid-2B0D7D4C-DD00-4638-9A74-3D97BF6CF47D" name="" sourceRef="sid-742D2E88-4422-4C2F-865B-36047B8CA2F1" targetRef="sid-B736A9E0-A3D1-4E18-80AD-591EA6C5C61C"/>
   <bpmndi:BPMNDiagram id="sid-78ac9bae-8a88-433f-af80-3b1ab11245fd">
      <bpmndi:BPMNPlane bpmnElement="sid-17d27228-a34a-4f74-8613-6384257aa79f" id="sid-4947e317-9ef9-402d-b6c7-7da1728b9644">
         <bpmndi:BPMNShape bpmnElement="sid-B2F0F64A-4ADB-4754-A1C4-296EBC03AA7F" id="sid-B2F0F64A-4ADB-4754-A1C4-296EBC03AA7F_gui">
            <omgdc:Bounds height="30.0" width="30.0" x="77.0" y="120.0"/>
         <bpmndi:BPMNShape bpmnElement="sid-742D2E88-4422-4C2F-865B-36047B8CA2F1" id="sid-742D2E88-4422-4C2F-865B-36047B8CA2F1_gui">
            <omgdc:Bounds height="80.0" width="100.0" x="180.0" y="95.0"/>
         <bpmndi:BPMNShape bpmnElement="sid-B736A9E0-A3D1-4E18-80AD-591EA6C5C61C" id="sid-B736A9E0-A3D1-4E18-80AD-591EA6C5C61C_gui">
            <omgdc:Bounds height="80.0" width="100.0" x="390.0" y="95.0"/>
         <bpmndi:BPMNShape bpmnElement="sid-75F9A9EC-D67B-4E0A-B832-1C0C418DB575" id="sid-75F9A9EC-D67B-4E0A-B832-1C0C418DB575_gui">
            <omgdc:Bounds height="28.0" width="28.0" x="570.0" y="121.0"/>
         <bpmndi:BPMNEdge bpmnElement="sid-3432B340-8985-4A08-A205-34A3FE60A1D9" id="sid-3432B340-8985-4A08-A205-34A3FE60A1D9_gui">
            <omgdi:waypoint x="490.0" y="135.0"/>
            <omgdi:waypoint x="570.0" y="135.0"/>
         <bpmndi:BPMNEdge bpmnElement="sid-2B0D7D4C-DD00-4638-9A74-3D97BF6CF47D" id="sid-2B0D7D4C-DD00-4638-9A74-3D97BF6CF47D_gui">
            <omgdi:waypoint x="280.0" y="135.0"/>
            <omgdi:waypoint x="390.0" y="135.0"/>
         <bpmndi:BPMNEdge bpmnElement="sid-AFD060CD-E423-4FB7-9FBB-4695CFAB40AE" id="sid-AFD060CD-E423-4FB7-9FBB-4695CFAB40AE_gui">
            <omgdi:waypoint x="107.0" y="135.0"/>
            <omgdi:waypoint x="180.0" y="135.0"/>

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Your usertasks are not assigned to anyone, hence why you can't see anything in your task list.

But you should see something when you log into Probe and look at the ACT_RU_EXECUTION table.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks for the answer.
Yes, there I can see that the process ist set running.
How can I assign a process to anyone so that it's also possible to see (and handle) it in the Activiti explorer at the Tasks - section?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Check out this chapter in the userguide: