I checked out a file and save it on my desktop and when I try to check in the file I get this error:
A system error happened during the operation: Node does not exist: workspace://SpacesStore/3cec047c-2cc7-446b-abb5-24ec19acda93(Status[changeTxnId=65206c88-a1fc-4b78-9861-4c93af2b1a19, dbTxnId=231, deleted=true])
Is there another log file that should checked ? Because I checked Alfresco.log and there isn't any error that showing what happened. In any case, I downgraded to 4.2b and it works fine. Could this be a bug in 4.2c ?
Hi, Do you have some news about this bug ? Because I'm trying to do a check out - checkin in a js script, but I've got an error when I try to checkin my document.