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Problem debugging webscripts

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi all,

I'm having problems every time I want to debug some webscript.

When I turn on the webscripts debugger it comes to front every 10-30 seconds because a script called "scheduled_removeHold.js". I don't really know what this script does (it comes with the default setup of Alfresco 3 Labs), but I cannot debug any of my webscripts because when I'm inspecting the code Alfresco executes scheduled_removeHold.js and the window that I'm watching disappears.

So, I would like to know how to avoid this behavior or how to disable this script.

Thanks in advance!

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
That scheduled script is part of the Records Management module, but should only be running at 2:30am each day.

If you haven't changed any of the RM config, it might be worth raising as a bug in JIRA.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Ok, but could you tell me please what should I do to avoid this behavior? It is the default installation, I didn't change anything on the RM module.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Well, I forgot to answer the question.
I found the error: the arguments that Alfresco is using to "cron" this task are wrong.

Here's the workaround:

1- Shut down Alfresco.
2- Go to ALF_HOME/tomcat and delete /temp and /work
3- Go to ALF_HOME/tomcat/webapps/ and delete /alfresco
4- Then open the alfresco.war file with any zip file manager (like 7Zip, WinRAR, etc).
5- Once you are navigating the war file, go to /web-inf/classes/alfresco/module/org.alfresco.module.RecordsManagement/context/
6- Open script-context.xml
7- Make a search for the string "Execute @ 2:30 am every day" (you should find two) and modify each "value" tag to any other value (I've used "30 2 * * * ?" without quotes and it worked fine). This value is the argument of the cron command, so if you need more information you can read the man pages for cron.
