Well, I forgot to answer the question.
I found the error: the arguments that Alfresco is using to "cron" this task are wrong.
Here's the workaround:
1- Shut down Alfresco.
2- Go to ALF_HOME/tomcat and delete /temp and /work
3- Go to ALF_HOME/tomcat/webapps/ and delete /alfresco
4- Then open the alfresco.war file with any zip file manager (like 7Zip, WinRAR, etc).
5- Once you are navigating the war file, go to /web-inf/classes/alfresco/module/org.alfresco.module.RecordsManagement/context/
6- Open script-context.xml
7- Make a search for the string "Execute @ 2:30 am every day" (you should find two) and modify each "value" tag to any other value (I've used "30 2 * * * ?" without quotes and it worked fine). This value is the argument of the cron command, so if you need more information you can read the man pages for cron.