10-20-2011 07:21 AM
10-26-2011 01:54 PM
11-10-2011 12:52 PM
11-11-2011 06:26 AM
Su Ubuntu 10.10 ho inizialmente installato MySql Server e poi Tomcat (da Gestore Pacchetti)Ok perfetto.
ho prelevato alfresco-community-4.0.b-installer-linux-x64.bin e ho lanciatoNo, questo pacchetto non ti serve.
l'installazione da terminale.
11-11-2011 07:54 AM
Spero sia tutto chiaro :roll:
11-22-2011 08:08 AM
11-22-2011 08:26 AM
11-22-2011 08:39 AM
11-22-2011 08:45 AM
11-22-2011 08:47 AM
## Common Alfresco Properties #
# Sample custom content and index data location
#Sample database connection properties
External locations
# Property to control whether schema updates are performed automatically.
# Updates must be enabled during upgrades as, apart from the static upgrade scripts,
# there are also auto-generated update scripts that will need to be executed. After
# upgrading to a new version, this can be disabled.
#MySQL connection
# Oracle connection
# SQLServer connection
# Requires jTDS driver version 1.2.5 and SNAPSHOT isolation mode
# Enable TCP protocol on fixed port 1433
# Prepare the database with:
#PostgreSQL connection (requires postgresql-8.2-504.jdbc3.jar or equivalent)
# Index Recovery Mode
# Outbound Email Configuration
# Alfresco Email Service and Email Server
# Enable/Disable the inbound email service. The service could be used by processes other than
# the Email Server (e.g. direct RMI access) so this flag is independent of the Email Service.
# Email Server properties
# A comma separated list of email REGEX patterns of allowed senders.
# If there are any values in the list then all sender email addresses
# must match. For example:
# .*\@alfresco\.com, .*\@alfresco\.org
# Allow anyone:
# The default authentication chain
# To configure external authentication subsystems see:
# http://wiki.alfresco.com/wiki/Alfresco_Authentication_Subsystems
# URL Generation Parameters (The ${localname} token is replaced by the local server name)
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