I wanna use my eclipse and set it's environment to work on activiti source with Git and Maven support. I install EGit and m2e plugins for eclipse(Juno) as I understand there is no comfortable way to clone a maven project from github using both maven and Git import(am i right?) so I just import my github repository into eclipse, then import projects(modules) from it to my workspace. but till now there isn't maven support, so I convert projects to maven project and run maven build. now I have projects in my workspace with dependecy error, the projects code error on import third party packages. anybody tell me where in my way is incorrect and what should I do to make my eclipse environment ready to develop on source code? by the way, I read this article on wiki, it seems a little outdated and need to an update.
I simply clone the repo on the command line (git clone …), and then import it in Eclipse, using 'Import -> Maven project'.
Note that you might get a dependency error if you haven't got the Oracle jdbc driver in your Maven repo. But unfortunately we can't share it due to legal reasons.