Thanks for your reply. It was really helpful.
What I'm essentially trying to achieve is to keep the template structure really simple as well as flexible:
<#include "/common/layout.ftl"/>
<div class="main">
<div class="row">
<div class="eightcol">
<@region id="main" scope="page"/>
<div class="fourcol last">
<@region id="contextual" scope="page"/>
All my website's pages are in a two column configuration, with a region "main" and a region "contextual" representing each column. The only difference between pages is that each page registers a different set of components to either the main or contextual region. But not being able to put several components into one region ruins this approach. As of now I guess I have to define main_1, main_2, main_3 and so on in order to have large enough set of regions to work with.