Our organization (25 employees) needs a new document management(mainly for MS-Office-documents, PDFs). It`s mainly about documents for meetings. Each meeting is about one of several main subjects (there are about 7-8 main subjects). In a meeting are participating several other organizations. For each meeting in general at least one document by each of the eight organizations is generated. Apart from that there is a protocol of each meeting. So altogether at least nine documents per meeting. There are about 10-12 meetings per month.
Now the documents should be sorted as well by meeting as by date(year/month) and documents should be searchable by subject and organization. That means several views and categorizations should be possible. The documents are not further processed, they should only be filed.
I tried it first with the means of the Windows Explorer. All documents of a meeting was sorted in a folder and the folders was sorted hierarchically in year folder/month folder (Disadvantage: you have to create the year folders/month folders manually).
Now I also wanted to display the documents sorted by subject or organization.
I tried two possibilities:
1. Working with tagging (by subject, organization) of the documents + creating an additional folder structure by subjects and organizations in which stored search queries (by subject, organization) are filed:
- for each new meeting first the documents must be tagged
- only documents, no folders can be tagged
- Moving of the original documents has the result that the stored search queries don`t find anything anymore
2. All documents of a meeting was sorted in a folder and the folders are sorted hierarchically in year folder/month folders + creating an additional folder structure by subjects and organizations, in which Windows Shortcuts of the respective documents are filed.
- For each new meeting new shortcuts must be created manually
- Moving of the original documents or of the Shortcuts leads to the non-functioning of the shortcut
Offers Alfresco here more comfortable methods to configure several views (e.g. the automatically creation of folder structures/categorizations when new meeting documents are available)?
Is it worth the effort to introduce a system such as Alfresco (Community-Version) for our purpose?
Thanks in advance for advice.