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possibilities document management with Alfresco

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Our organization (25 employees) needs a new document management(mainly for MS-Office-documents, PDFs). It`s mainly about documents for meetings. Each meeting is about one of several main subjects (there are about 7-8 main subjects). In a meeting are participating several other organizations. For each meeting in general at least one document by each of the eight organizations is generated. Apart from that there is a protocol of each meeting. So altogether at least nine documents per meeting. There are about 10-12 meetings per month.

Now the documents should be sorted as well by meeting as by date(year/month) and documents should be searchable by subject and organization. That means  several views and categorizations should be possible. The documents are not further processed, they should only be filed.

I tried it first with the means of the Windows Explorer. All documents of a meeting was sorted in a folder and the folders was sorted hierarchically in year folder/month folder (Disadvantage: you have to create the year folders/month folders manually).
Now I also wanted to display the documents sorted by subject or organization.

I tried two possibilities:
1. Working with tagging (by subject, organization) of the documents + creating an additional folder structure by subjects and organizations in which stored search queries (by subject, organization) are filed:                                                                                                            

        - for each new meeting first the documents must be tagged
        - only documents, no folders can be tagged
        - Moving of the original documents has the result that the stored search queries don`t find anything anymore

2. All documents of a meeting was sorted in a folder and the folders are sorted hierarchically in year folder/month folders + creating an additional folder structure by subjects and organizations, in which Windows Shortcuts of the respective documents are filed.

        - For each new meeting new shortcuts must be created manually
        - Moving of the original documents or of the Shortcuts leads to the non-functioning of the shortcut

Offers Alfresco here more comfortable methods to configure several views (e.g. the automatically creation of folder structures/categorizations when new meeting documents are available)?

Is it worth the effort to introduce a system such as Alfresco (Community-Version) for our purpose?

Thanks in advance for advice.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Is it worth the effort to introduce a system such as Alfresco (Community-Version) for our purpose?

Perhaps.    I suggest you experiment with alfresco first and then ask specific questions.    For example there should be no need to "move" documents with alfresco.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Thanks for the reply. I followed your suggestion and experienced a bit more with Alfresco.

See the folder/category structure in the screen shot of my Alfresco site attached for a better understanding.

I found out that categories would be what I was looking for (more than tags, because with categories I can build a hierarchy)

How can I configure that all uploaded documents and newly created folders get the aspect "classifiable". It`s bit strange(and tedious) for me that I first have to add to each document/folder this aspect one by one and then again have to add the category one-by-one. In Windows Explorer for example it's possible to select and tag several files all at once. Is this in Alfresco only possible by writing scripts? Is there no simpler way for such a rather basic task?

Is there a possibility to combine two categories and display only the documents which belong to both categories? I also tried out saved searches on the dash board but I have found no way to search in the search mask explicitly by category.

Thanks in advance for help.

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

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