01-19-2010 10:24 AM
data = {"role":"SiteCollaborator", "person": {"userName" : user.name}};
retval=conn.put("/api/sites/" + publicSite.shortName +
"/memberships/" + encodeURIComponent(user.name),
jsonUtils.toJSONString(data), "application/json")
This call responds with:
Caused by: org.alfresco.repo.site.SiteServiceException: 00190088 The current user does not have permissions to modify the membership details of the site foo.
01-19-2010 10:56 AM
url: /alfresco/service/api/sites/eqthsbc/memberships/userB
role: SiteConsumer
userName: userB
lastName: ""
url: /alfresco/service/api/people/userB
fullName: userB
firstName: userB
authorityType: USER
01-19-2010 11:25 AM
01-19-2010 01:20 PM
shortName: foo
url: /alfresco/service/api/sites/foo
isPublic: true
description: ""
sitePreset: site-dashboard
visibility: PUBLIC
02-17-2010 03:43 AM
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