I tried 3.4 beta and found that if I type Ann Murphy with a space between I got nothing at all unlike 3.2 where I would get all the names beginning with Ann and all the Murphy results as well. But if I type in the username amurphy, Ann.Murphy or Anne.Murphy I just get the 1 correct result.
If I searched for Murphy got all Murphys
Murphy, Ann got nothing
"Ann Murphy" got an error
Search Ann got all users beginning with Ann
This issue I find here is that I cannot search for Ann Murphy as before and get results seem not to want a space, is there a way around this as we could search by username but there usernames in our organisation often bear little relevance to the persons name e.g. Sean Kennedy could be seken01 and so the other users in share will often not know this and when they type in Sean Kennedy they get nothing with 3.4 and if they type in Just Sean or Kennedy on there own they will have to browse though multiple users to get the person they want and that’s a bit inconvenient.
The idle situation would be to type in Firstname Lastname e.g.Ann Murphy and have the exact match as the first result followed by the next relevant result e.g. Anne Murphy. Am I missing something or is it possible for us to make this happen.
Thanks Again